Epic Alaska Grizzly Bear Hunt

Epic Alaska Grizzly Bear Hunt

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It's time for an epic Alaska grizzly bear hunt, as Ian Harford and Steve Wild set out for another extreme hunting session.

Welcome to Hunting in Alaska - Episode Seven.

After reflecting on the previous day where a black bear was feeding in the valley just below the camp, Ian sprung into action and quickly prepared his rifle for a ethical, clean shot. However, due to the time it wasn't safe for the team couldn't retrieve their game. (Click here to watch now - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlnhxywUlbg)

The next day, the first task is tim locate Ian's black bear. It doesn't take Ian and Steve long to retrieve their game. After a difficult week this is a great triumph for the team and has certainly boosted morale in the camp, it’s now time for another exciting day in the Alaskan wilderness.

They formulate a day and decide to set their Hawke scopes on moose.

After spotting a good group of moose including several cows and a bull, the team begin to carefully plan their strategy. However, things don't go to plan when incredibly a brown bear appears amongst the group of moose. This sends them running for the mountains. It was an amazing sight to see, but not what Ian and Steve wanted.

After breaking for lunch it's time head back out for another afternoon of Alaskan hunting adventure.

Again they must overcome challenging terrain, but their hard work certainly pays off. Only 250 yards away a brown bear feeds on a berry patch. Steve prepares his rifle and takes aim.

Next time on Hunting in Alaska, Ian and Steve are Hunting Giant Alaska Bull Moose...

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