Hunting Moose, Caribou, Grizzly and Black Bear Combo in Alaska

Hunting Moose, Caribou, Grizzly and Black Bear Combo in Alaska

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After settling in camp, Ian Harford and Steve Wild are eager for an epic adventure - hunting moose, caribou, grizzly and black bear Combo in Alaska.

Welcome to Hunting in Alaska - Episode Four.

On the previous episode Ian and Steve travelled several thousand miles for some extreme hunting in Alaska. (Click here to watch now -

Now set up in what will be their home for the next two weeks deep within the epic Alaskan wilderness surrounded by incredible scenery, , Ian and Steve can't wait to being their epic hunt.

However, they soon realise that in Alaska and things don’t always go to plan. The weather patterns are dramatic and unpredictable, Ian and Steve must wait out the persistent rain and fog before beginning their journey into the wilderness.

Whilst this can be more than a little frustrating, Ian and Steve pass the time by telling hunting stories of their previous adventures in between the odd breaks in the weather where they’re able to catch a glimpse of a number of moose bulls far in the distance.

As day three begins the weather had changed for the better. The team decides this would be the ideal time to glass the surrounding area and as luck would have it, the moose are within sight.

They select a route and head off up the mountains for what’s sure to be an incredible outing on the first real day of the hunt.

Next time on Hunting in Alaska, Ian and Steve are hunting giant bull moose and grizzly bear in Alaska.

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